Thursday, July 12, 2007

The State of MCV

Very sorry for the incommunicado stunt I've been pulling lately. Over the last couple of months, I graduated from college and moved back to my parents' home in Richboro, PA. Tomorrow morning I am leaving here and heading west to sunny Los Angeles, California, to start my career in the film biz. So it's gonna be a little while before I am settled and can start thinking about this website again. Plus, to be honest, there's only so many Marmaduke-as-terrorist and Marmaduke-as-Bush-supporter jokes you can do before it gets boring. Hopefully after this brief hiatus (and I promise I will actually return), the 08 Election will get a little more heated and the humor will become fresh again.
Thanks for the support. You should expect new posts to start again in about a month.